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「社長が訊く Wiiプロジェクト」、リモコン編の第1回

 任天堂ホームページで連載されている「社長が訊く Wiiプロジェクト」のリモコン編が、本日より始まりました。
 リモコン編では、前回より登場している岩田社長・竹田玄洋氏・芦田健一郎氏に加え、新たに宮本茂氏(情報開発本部長)・池田昭夫氏(同 開発部 開発第5グループ)の計5名となっています。


 □社長が訊く Wiiプロジェクト Vol.2リモコン編 第1回 (任天堂)

◎リモコン編第1回 ポイントのまとめ




  編集者: にんてんまん
  記事のカテゴリ: Wiiニュース
  (関連: Wiiニュース > クリエイターボイス, 特集・コラム > 社長が訊くWiiプロジェクト, コントローラ

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Christian Louboutin shoes sale 2012/12/07 PM02:51
We definitely don't want you to take Thursday off and rush to a random 14th-floor space in the Garment District only to find that there's nothing there, so for now, we'll second MadSpy's prudent suggestion that anyone who wants Loubs should plan to visit the sale Wednesday afternoon. If this year's sale is anything like the last one, they'll start letting in non-press people after lunch. Plan to wait at least two hours, and don't expect any amenities—this is an old-school sample sale. Do, however, expect bargains: Most of the merchandise last time was around $250, with some heels as low as $100.
Moncler Jacket Sale 2012/12/07 PM02:51
A daring tipster just sent us two photos from this morning's press-only Christian Louboutin sale. When she left at 10am, the line to get in stretched out of the entrance hallway and halfway down TKth Street. Not all of those queued up are press, but security is tight and many people are being turned away. If you do get in, it sounds like decent—but not amazing—bargains await you. "Most of the shoes are around $250 or $325 and two to four seasons old," writes our informant. "I only saw 3 pairs of classic black shoes, and one was pointy so a bit off-trend." The Glamour editors, who finally made it inside after a three-hour wait, have a slightly sunnier report, tweeting that the sale is very organized and shoes start at $125. Their verdict: "It was worth the wait, dolls!"
christian louboutin london 2012/12/17 PM02:23
A daring tipster just sent us two photos from this morning's press-only Christian Louboutin sale. When she left at 10am, the line to get in stretched out of the entrance hallway and halfway down TKth Street. Not all of those queued up are press, but security is tight and many people are being turned away. If you do get in, it sounds like decent—but not amazing—bargains await you. "Most of the shoes are around $250 or $325 and two to four seasons old," writes our informant. "I only saw 3 pairs of classic black shoes, and one was pointy so a bit off-trend." The Glamour editors, who finally made it inside after a three-hour wait, have a slightly sunnier report, tweeting that the sale is very organized and shoes start at $125. Their verdict: "It was worth the wait, dolls!"
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christian louboutin stores 2012/12/17 PM02:24
We definitely don't want you to take Thursday off and rush to a random 14th-floor space in the Garment District only to find that there's nothing there, so for now, we'll second MadSpy's prudent suggestion that anyone who wants Loubs should plan to visit the sale Wednesday afternoon. If this year's sale is anything like the last one, they'll start letting in non-press people after lunch. Plan to wait at least two hours, and don't expect any amenities—this is an old-school sample sale. Do, however, expect bargains: Most of the merchandise last time was around $250, with some heels as low as $100.
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christian louboutin bianca 2012/12/17 PM02:25
The Christian Louboutin sample sale has always flown far below the radar, and it sounds like the organizers want to keep it that way. At the end of last week, word spread on Twitter that the sale would take place this Wednesday and Thursday, but now Madison Avenue Spy reports that according to the the official invitation, the sale is one day—Wednesday—and press-only. Mysteriously, we've got a separate source who confirmed the original two-day plan, making us wonder if Louboutin sent out different information to different people.
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Christian Louboutin sale 2012/12/24 AM10:59
We definitely don't want you to take Thursday off and rush to a random 14th-floor space in the Garment District only to find that there's nothing there, so for now, we'll second MadSpy's prudent suggestion that anyone who wants Loubs should plan to visit the sale Wednesday afternoon. If this year's sale is anything like the last one, they'll start letting in non-press people after lunch. Plan to wait at least two hours, and don't expect any amenities—this is an old-school sample sale. Do, however, expect bargains: Most of the merchandise last time was around $250, with some heels as low as $100.
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