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Cubed3による、Opera社のScott Hedrick氏へのインタビューで、Wiiに搭載されるウェブブラウザ「Opera」についての情報が明らかになりました。
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コメント (3件)
- christian louboutin shoe sale 2012/12/20 PM02:48
- First things first for newbies: The biannual sale is always private and invitation-only. To get an invite, you have to be on the list, and to be on the list, you have to work in the industry. Deals can be amazing—like $150 for a pair of heels—but the line is harrowing, and from our experience, trying to get in without an RSVP is a waste of time.
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- A daring tipster just sent us two photos from this morning's press-only Christian Louboutin sale. When she left at 10am, the line to get in stretched out of the entrance hallway and halfway down TKth Street. Not all of those queued up are press, but security is tight and many people are being turned away. If you do get in, it sounds like decent—but not amazing—bargains await you. "Most of the shoes are around $250 or $325 and two to four seasons old," writes our informant. "I only saw 3 pairs of classic black shoes, and one was pointy so a bit off-trend." The Glamour editors, who finally made it inside after a three-hour wait, have a slightly sunnier report, tweeting that the sale is very organized and shoes start at $125. Their verdict: "It was worth the wait, dolls!"
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- We definitely don't want you to take Thursday off and rush to a random 14th-floor space in the Garment District only to find that there's nothing there, so for now, we'll second MadSpy's prudent suggestion that anyone who wants Loubs should plan to visit the sale Wednesday afternoon. If this year's sale is anything like the last one, they'll start letting in non-press people after lunch. Plan to wait at least two hours, and don't expect any amenities—this is an old-school sample sale. Do, however, expect bargains: Most of the merchandise last time was around $250, with some heels as low as $100.
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